Context Window: Meaning, Examples & AI Basics




Updated 5/1/2024

AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini use context windows to remember information. This guide covers the essentials.

context window - windows and plants

What is a Context Window?

A context window is the subset of text data a generative AI model uses at any given time to understand information, or “context”, and generate responses.

It defines the scope of information, from a few words to several sentences, that the model considers to make predictions or decisions in language processing tasks.

Imagine the context window as the AI’s short-term memory when reading a book. Just as a person might only focus on a single sentence or paragraph to understand what’s happening in the story, AI uses context windows to keep track of the conversation or text it’s generating, ensuring its output is relevant and coherent.

How Context Windows Are Used in AI

Context windows generally apply to areas involving natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and especially in tasks related to understanding or generating content. Overall, they are used to determine the amount of surrounding context an AI model should consider when making predictions or decisions.

Here’s how context windows are applied in various parts of AI:

  1. NLP: With tasks such as language modeling, sentiment analysis, or machine translation, context windows help models understand the meaning of words in relation to their surrounding text. This helps the model recognize grammatical and slang nuances, for example.
  2. Speech Recognition: Context windows are used to analyze audio signals by considering a sequence of sound samples to transcribe speech into text. They help incorporate the context when certain sounds occur, improving the accuracy of speech recognition models.
  3. Sequence Prediction: In tasks where predicting the next element in a sequence is required (like text completion or predictive typing), context windows provide the necessary background information to generate predictions.
  4. Time Series Analysis: Though not exclusively a language-related task, context windows are used in analyzing time series data, where understanding the context in which data points occur helps forecast future values.
  5. Image and Video Processing: In some applications, context windows can refer to the spatial or temporal context in which pixels or frames appear in a video, aiding in subject detection, scene recognition, and action prediction.

With context windows, AI models can make more informed and accurate decisions by considering the broader context, improving understanding, and generating better results.

Practical Examples for AI Users

Let’s explore how context windows influence three key areas: content creation, conversations, and customization.

Content Creation

Context windows shape the quality and relevance of AI-generated content. They define the amount of text an AI model can consider, directly influencing responses’ coherence and contextual accuracy.

This means that for content creators, understanding and leveraging an AI’s context window can lead to more engaging and precise outputs.

Conversations with AI

In chatbot interactions like with ChatGPT, context windows ensure conversations flow naturally and remain contextually relevant. They help the AI remember and reference previous exchanges within a conversation, making interactions smoother and more human-er.


Context windows enable AI to understand user queries and preferences better, refining search results and recommendations. This mechanism allows for a customized experience, where results align more closely with the user’s intent and historical interactions.

AI Model Context Windows

Context windows use “tokens” as a unit of data currency. These are usually estimated as four characters long.

For example, a word can be one or several tokens, depending on its length and complexity. OpenAI’s help documents explain tokens well and provide a nice tokenizer tool for estimations.

Here are the context windows for the top generative AI models:

ModelContext Window TokensApproximate Words
GPT-3.5 Turbo16,38513,108
Gemini Pro30,72024,576

Note that some of these context windows are for preview models or those that aren’t widely accessible. Please check the links for the most recent information.

When to Care About Context Windows

As you can see, unless you’re designing large-scale tools, you shouldn’t need to worry about context window size. With any of these tools, you should be able to work with novel-length documents, which is more than enough for most projects and tasks.

If you need a larger window than 300 pages, you’ll likely need to do further research, seek alternatives, or wait a few months.

Bottom Line

Context windows are like an AI’s short-term memory. Granted, that memory can contain all of a “Harry Potter” book, but many fans are the same way. 🌍


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