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Content Calendar – Google Sheets Template



This comprehensive Google Sheets template features dynamic spreadsheets for organizing your content effectively. It streamlines your content planning, provides relevant data, and simplifies documentation so you can focus on creating exceptional content.

Key Features

Content Calendar

This spreadsheet includes a variety of useful fields for content management:

  • Content: Organize all your content in one place, from idea to publication.
  • Priority: Set and manage priorities for each piece of content.
  • Type: Track the type of content (e.g., Video, Infographic, Podcast).
  • Status: Monitor the current status of each content piece (e.g., Published, Scheduled, Draft).
  • Target Keyword: Optimize your content with keywords for SEO.
  • Difficulty: Assess the keyword difficulty for ranking in Google
  • Volume: Track search volume to gauge potential reach.
  • Traffic Potential: Estimate the potential traffic for each piece of content.
  • Due Date: Keep track of deadlines to ensure timely publication.

Keyword Database

This spreadsheet helps you manage and optimize your keyword strategy:

  • Keyword: List all the targeted keywords.
  • Country: Specify the target country for your keywords.
  • Difficulty: Track the SEO difficulty for each keyword.
  • Volume: Monitor the search volume for each keyword.
  • CPC: Manage the cost-per-click data for better PPC planning.
  • SERP Features: Notes for the SERP features for targeted keywords.
  • Global Volume: Monitor the global search volume for broader insights.

It includes sample keywords but can be replaced with your own keyword research and data.


You can duplicate and customize this template to suit your specific needs and preferences. This flexible framework allows you to build and manage your content efficiently.


Pay what you want! This product is in Beta. If you’d like to help, please contribute feedback or a fair value.
