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Content Calendar Google Sheets Template

Get this content calendar template for Google Sheets to streamline your content marketing efforts with dynamic fields for keyword data.



This content calendar template for Google Sheets will help you plan, manage, and streamline your content efforts. It features dynamic fields prioritizing content, organizing work, and targeting keywords for maximum search exposure and SEO value.


This template includes common fields for content management:

  • Headline: Track content by headlines.
  • Priority: Set and manage priorities.
  • Type: Track the type (e.g., Video, Infographic, Podcast).
  • Status: Monitor the publication status of each piece.
  • Due Date: Keep track of deadlines to ensure timely publication.
  • Target Keyword: Strategize SEO efforts with precision.
  • Difficulty: Score how hard it will be to rank for the keyword.
  • Volume: Track how often people search using the keyword.

These fields can be customized to your needs, giving you complete control over your content organization.

What You’ll Get

Once you purchase the template, you’ll get an email with a link to the template, along with instructions for using the product.

The template is designed to be a starting point for online content work and incorporates example keyword data for reference. You can easily replace this data with your own, and the content calendar should automatically update with dynamic data for your target keywords.


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